
This Panel is endorsed and produced by the Bexley Safeguarding Adults Board within the context of the duties set out in the Care Act (2014) Care and Support Statutory Guidance. It should be referred to when an adult at risk is believed to be self-neglecting and the current risks are elevating /other panels aren’t working. The Board is the appropriate forum where strategic decisions can be made to deal with what are often complex and challenging situations for practitioners and managers as well as communities more broadly.

Under Section 42 of the Care Act 2014 , Safeguarding duties apply to an adult who meets the following criteria: has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and; is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect and; as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.

An adult who meets the above criteria is referred to as an ‘adult at risk’. Safeguarding duties also apply to unpaid carers experiencing intentional or unintentional harm from the adult they are supporting or from professionals and organisations they are in contact with.

The Aims of the Panel:

Our purpose is to reduce risk and where possible prevent serious injury or death of individuals who appear to be self-neglecting by ensuring that:

  • Individuals are empowered as far as possible, to understand the implications of their actions and/or behaviours.
  • There is a shared, multi-agency understanding and recognition of the issues including those involved in working with individuals who self-neglect.
  • There is effective multi-agency working and practice and concerns receive appropriate prioritisation.
  • That all agencies and organisations uphold their duties of care.
  • There is a proportionate response to the level of risk to self and others.

For the full terms of reference and the referral form click on the below: